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September 5, 2022
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Add Some Ambiance to Your Aquarium With Accent Plants

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Category: Aquarium, Blog

If you want to add some ambiance to your tank, try adding a species of Java moss. This plant can thrive in nearly any tank environment, and it has a stunning appearance. Its stems and small, oval leaves have no roots, making it easy to trim them into the desired shape. It can be planted in a planted aquarium, or in a tank with another aquatic plant.

Aquafy is one of the most popular aquarium plants and is often sold with goldfish. It’s native to warm temperate South America, but is commonly cultivated in aquariums. It’s easy to care for and will last for years if you know how to care for it. It needs 10 to 12 hours of light each day to grow, and will benefit from a slow-release fertilizer. Make sure not to use phosphate fertilizers, as these can promote algae growth.

aquarium plants

While the majority of aquarium plants grow to a modest height, they are best kept as background plants. Water lettuce can reach up to eight to 10 inches and is best left for small ponds. Regardless of size, water lettuce is a very beautiful plant, but it’s best left in ponds and containers.

Another good option for accent plants is java fern, a plant with a low maintenance requirement. It’s also pest-free and easy to divide. The java fern can be propagated by cutting the rhizome into two and allowing the leaf to float on the surface. The rows of black spots in the leaf develop into tiny plantlets with their own roots. You can even detach the baby plantlets and plant them elsewhere.

Some types of acrophylla are very good for a planted aquarium, including hydrilla. This genus contains dozens of species. Some of these can survive in low light conditions, and are very palatable for fish. Another plant to try is crinum, which is a very hardy aquatic plant. It is fast growing and has soft leaves.

Another plant that is low-maintenance is hornwort, which can be grown either in a floating or substrate environment. It grows up to 24 inches and is easy to propagate by cutting the stems. It requires a low lighting level to thrive, and you’ll need a substrate. It is best planted in a plant substrate for the best results.

While aquatic plants provide many benefits for your aquarium, it’s important to choose the right ones for your needs. Live plants help convert carbon dioxide into oxygen for the fish and remove harmful chemicals from the water. They also break up sightlines and hide aquarium fixtures. They make a beautiful backdrop for your aquarium. There are so many different types of aquarium plants to choose from.

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