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August 4, 2023
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A Beginner’s Guide to Installing Air Conditioning and Replacing Ducted Heating

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Category: Appliance Repair, Blog

air conditioning installation Melbourne

When it comes to keeping your home comfortable all year round, there are two essential things that every homeowner needs to get right: air conditioning and ducted heating. But what happens when your HVAC system starts to show signs of wear and tear? That’s when it’s time to consider replacing your old ducted heating system or installing a brand-new AC unit. But where do you begin? From choosing the right unit to finding a trustworthy installer, this beginner’s guide will take you through the process of replacing ducted heating and installing air conditioning in your home.

Assess Your Home’s Heating and Cooling Needs

Before you start shopping for a new heating or cooling unit, you need to know exactly what your home needs. There are several factors you’ll need to consider, including your home’s size, layout, insulation, and even the climate in your area. An experienced HVAC technician can help you assess your home’s needs and recommend a unit that is the perfect fit.

Choose the Right Type of Air Conditioning or Ducted Heating System

There are several types of air conditioning units and ducted heating systems to choose from, and each one has its advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most popular options include split systems, evaporative cooling, reverse cycle air conditioning, gas ducted heating, and electric ducted heating. Your choice will depend on factors like your budget, home layout, and personal preferences.

Find a Trustworthy Installer

When it comes to installing your new heating or cooling unit, you don’t want to take any chances. Look for an experienced and licensed installer who has a good reputation in your area. Take the time to read reviews, ask for references, and make sure that the installer has the necessary certifications and insurance coverage. A reputable installer can help you get the best performance from your new unit and avoid costly mistakes.

Make Sure Your New Unit is Installed Properly

Even the best air conditioning installation in Melbourne or ducted heating system won’t work effectively if it’s not installed correctly. A good installer will take the time to properly size and position your unit, seal any leaks in your ductwork, and test the system to ensure that it’s working as expected. Make sure to ask for documentation of the installation and any warranties that come with the unit.

Maintain Your System for Optimal Performance

Once your new heating or cooling system is installed, it’s up to you to ensure that it stays in optimal condition. Regular maintenance like changing air filters and cleaning your unit can help ensure that it runs efficiently and avoids breakdowns. Consider signing up for a maintenance plan with your installer for regular check-ups and maintenance.


Whether you’re installing air conditioning or going for ducted gas heater replacement, it’s essential to choose the right system and a trustworthy installer to ensure optimal performance and comfort in your home. By assessing your needs, choosing the right unit, finding a reliable installer, ensuring proper installation, and staying on top of maintenance, you can enjoy years of trouble-free HVAC performance in your home.

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